Thursday, May 3, 2007

Alan Colmes On the Air

Alan Colmes, the quiet one, on Fox's Hannity & Colmes has his own radio show in the coveted timeslot of 10 pm to 1 am weeknights. When he is unfettered from Hannity, he is surprisingly good. I have listened to him eviscerate several stupid right-wing conservatarians over issues like gun control. He has a keen intellect and has honed his sparring technique from being Hannity's punching bag for so long. Also, I think there must be a litte "revenge is sweet" going on there.

He describes himself as "progressive," however, it is not just a one man blab fest, like Rimbaugh or Billo...

From (how's that for an easy-to-remember url?):

"Every viewpoint is welcome. In our “Friday-Night-Free-For-All” you, the listeners, get to choose the topics. Remember, Alan ends every night with his trademark one sentence and one sentence only, “Radio Graffiti!” You've gotta be quick, though.

There are several phone lines at 1-877-367-2526, which are normally occupied by callers from across America all night long. The Alan Colmes Show tries to get as many of you on air as possible. Sometimes it’s a long wait, but everyone says it’s worth it because you really are given the opportunity to present your opinion."

Actually all of the callers I have heard so far I would classify as "right wing," and Colmes does not just shut them off, he duels with them until they are (even more) tired and befuddled than they were when the called. When was the last time you saw Rimbaugh do that? The only calls he takes are from the ditto-heads.

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